Monday, January 8, 2007

Report Back Dates

We have 3 report backs currently scheduled:

1/11 6:30-8pm at the Alternative
1/22 6-8pm at the Braden Center (Third Monday dialogue)
1/28 6-8pm Central Pres

We hope to have several people give their general impressions of the trip
as well as cover topics like:
the Free the Cuban Five Campaign,
Sex Ed and HIV/AIDS programs,
basic ideals of the revolution (housing, education, health care),
Microbrigades and Mural/Theatre/Hip Hop projects,
et cetera.

We plan to allow for about a 1/2 hour of discussion and questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Basic Ideals of the Revolution" ??? What the heck are you talking about? The basic ideas of the revolution were to enslave Cuba under a communist dictatorship while enriching Fidel Castro and allowing him to aim missiles at the US. How did you people get so brainwashed?